12/30/15 – BOLI Offers Trainings For Implementation Of New Sick Leave Policy

This past July, the Oregon Legislature passed a bill that would mandate certain employees receive the benefit of paid sick leave. As the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) only just recently released the final paid sick leave rules earlier this month, businesses across Oregon have been left with a mere 22 days to review, implement, and comply with the new administrative rules, which spans 16 pages long.

Concerns with the calculation set forth by the new law have been adamantly voiced by many and although BOLI has stated penalties will not begin until 2017, the law, adopted under SB 454, will allow employees to seek private lawsuits against employers beginning January 1, 2016.

To assist employers in adjusting to the new law, BOLI has begun offering training and technical assistance, which may be found here.


*Code U.997